Saturday, May 20th 2023
4pm, Jordan High School
Long Beach, California
6500 Atlantic Ave, Long Beach, CA 90805
The Westminster Chorus is the 2009 Choir of the World Pavarotti Trophy winner and International Chorus Champions of the Barbershop Harmony Society for 2007, 2010, 2015, and 2019. Uniquely composed of talented and committed singers, Westminster is celebrating it's first show with their new director, Dr. Dan Wessler.
This performance will be a special one for the chorus. It will be featuring 5 chapter quartets, including The Newfangled Four, The Summertimers Harmony Band, Bardic Inspiration, California Kings, The Essentials, and special guest, 2022 Rising Star Champions The Valkyries! Get your tickets now, as earlybird prices only last until May. See you there!