Westminster Wins the GOLD!


We did it! With an average score of 95.6% we were announced Saturday July 6th as the 2024 BHS International Chorus Champions! We feel so honored to represent the BHS as champions after a truly amazing contest, congratulations to all of the competitors and especially our incredible fellow medalists Alexandria Harmonizers, Parkside Harmony, Gotham, and Heralds of Harmony! More content from our incredible week in Cleveland coming soon along with much more, this is an exciting new chapter for Westminster and we're just getting started. Thank you again for all of your support!

Special congrats go out to our chapter quartets, The Seventh Variety(competing in Next Gen as Notable with Ethan Miley on bass) for their 3rd Place Next Gen Bronze Medals, The Newfangled Four with their first reign as 5th Place Bronze Medalist in the BHS Quartet Competition, and the Summertimers Harmony Band with a strong showing with a 41st Place finish in a very crowed quartet contest.

Links to the scores of the contest can be found here.

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