3rd Annual Westminster Quartet Hootenanny!


Greetings from the Westminster Chorus!

We here at the Westminster Chorus have an exciting event coming up, and we want to invite you to be a part of it!

On September 7th at Beer Thug Brewing in Bell, CA we’ll be hosting our 3rd Annual Post-Memorial Day Quartet Hootenanny. This is our annual novice quartet contest and we want to see members from all over our SoCal community be a part of it. Registration is only $5 per singer, quartets need only sing 1 song, and admission for everyone else is free. We’ve got a special judging panel of Blair Brown, Jeremiah Pope, and Darin Drown adjudicating. Info about the competition and novice eligibility can be found in our hootenanny link tree.


We’d love to see this become a big event for our community and to see more of our singers try their hand at quartetting. We hope to see you there!

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